Be Prepared: The “grab & go” box

You are late and you have to get out the door. The kids are fighting; making it difficult to remember  where you put those gloves you will need. It’s chaotic as you tell the kids for the 36th time to put on their shoes. There may have even been a threat to call Santa thrown in there.

We’ve all been there. Sometimes getting out the door can be the most stressful part of our adventures with our children.  What happens before we even walk out the door sets the tone of the rest of the experience. 

It is in these instances that having everything you need in one place, ready to just grab & go,  is important not only for our experience, but also for our sanity. 

We suggest to have a box, tote, or bin with everything you need in it for a typical outing! Go one step further and organize like-items into gallon sized ziplock bags. For example, all the mittens in one gallon sized bag, all the hats in a different gallon sized bag, etc. This is for the times you don’t need the entire bin and just need specific items like hats. 

black bin with children's boots, snow pants, hats, & gloves


You may be wondering why have everything in one container? Why not have each person’s things in their own small box or cubby. While this is a fantastic way to organize, having everything sorted by item and not by person makes it easier to just grab & go.

Instead of making sure each person has each hat, glove, coat, etc. You can just grab all the hats at once or all the gloves at once. This is especially helpful with very young children whom can’t grab each item on their own and will need help. Saving time & saving you from grey hairs. Thus, making your outing more enjoyable. 

childrens boots, hats, gloves, and snowpants in a tote

What should I put in my box?

What you put in your box or tote really depends on your family’s needs. Each season brings different items needed for an outing. At the beginning of each season just think, “what do we typically need for a normal outing?”

Ask yourself, 

“What will the weather be like?”

“What specific clothing will we need?”

“Any extras items to make life easier or more comfortable while out?”

Click the link below for a free printable of ideas on what to put in your “grab & go” box for winter. As new seasons come we will update this to add lists for each of the 4 seasons. 

Where should I keep my box?

There are many different places you can store your “grab & go” box. Some keep it in their car so that it is always with them. While convenient, there are some disadvantages to storing it in your car. 

The disadvantages include:

  1. Takes up more space in your car. 
  2. Sometimes you need to put on the items before you leave the house. 
  3. During the winter, the items in the tote can get cold. In the Summer months, the items can get hot.
laundry room with a be prepared: grab & go box

We suggest keeping your box near your back door. That way it is easily accessible as you leave.

If you are like us and don’t have much space here, you can have a smaller bin by the door and a larger tote in a closet. We keep our skiing items in a tote in the closet to just “grab & go” skiing. Smaller items for little winter outings are kept in a bin in the laundry/mud room. 


Quick & easy

No searching for missing items

Less yelling, tears, frustration

Everyone’s needed items are in one place

Happy Trails

We want our happy trails to be just that… happy! By being prepared with an accessible “grab & go” box we cut out some of  the stress and are able to focus more on the adventure. Helping our trails to be happy.